
Our aim is to ensure that every patient requesting an appointment is able to see the most appropriate Doctor or member of our medical team based on their clinical need and usually within 48 hours of a making their initial appointment request. Patients with serious medical conditions will always be accommodated the same day.

We have a number of weekday appointments which can be booked up to four weeks in advance. In addition, we always retain a number of appointments to be booked on the day. These are released onto our computer system at 9:00am each morning, although please be aware that before 10:00am is when our telephone lines are at their busiest.

Appointments are offered for 10 minutes for GPs and 15 minutes for Nurses, and can be made in person at reception, by phone or online. Should you wish to see a specific Doctor we will be happy to make an appointment with the GP of your choice but it may be necessary at times to wait longer than 48 hours for this appointment. Children under 16 years of age should always be accompanied by a responsible adult whenever possible.

111 services is also able to book limited number of appointments (few appointment slots are available to 111 service Mo-Friday) directly in to our GP system. Practice will automatically call you at the booked time slot.

You can also book an appointment for telephone consultation after 11:00am.

Booking By Phone

To make an appointment call 020 8599 7151 on weekdays between 9:00am – 1:00pm and 2:30pm – 06:30pm.

Booking Online

You can also book an appointments by using the internet once you have registered for online services. You can access this service from our home page.

If you wish to register for on line Patient Services you need to complete the registration form (available from reception or from home page of our website). They will then generate a Registration email with your User ID and Password.

Non-urgent advice: Notice

Appointments booked online are for routine appointments only. All other appointments for Immunisations, cervical cytology, joint injections, medicals, NHS health check, long term medical condition reviews must be made by telephoning the Surgery.

Mode of consultation

There is no need to have always face to face consultation. Practice has developed different modes of consultation especially during Covid Pandemic. This helps to protect patients and staff equally. We have now realised that various modes of consultations is a way forward even after covid pandemic to make it simple for busy patients and can have GP consultation without leaving home or taking time off from work.

We do the following:

  • Remote telephone consultation
  • Remote video consultation
  • Face to face consultation
  • eConsult online
  • Telephone consultation

We are able to send medical certificates, blood test forms, documents to your mobile through AccuRx app. We also use the app to send you SMS regarding your investigations, appointments, Covid vaccine invite and other information.

You can also share your photos with clinician to make on line diagnosis and treat certain skin conditions.

Home Visits

Home visits are for those patients who are acutely ill and unable to attend surgery due to their illness, post-operative disability and unable to leave their house without assistance. Please only request a home visit for genuine reasons, not for convenience or transport. It is safe to bring children with high temperature to the surgery by car. They will be seen as quickly as possible and if infectious can wait in a separate room. If you are in doubt as to whether a home visit is necessary please ask to speak to a doctor or the practice manager. To request a weekday home visit you must call us on 020 8599 7151 preferably before 10:30am. If you are suffering with chest pains, breathing problems or severe abdominal pain, please make sure that you inform the receptionist. Receptionist will book you for a home visit but in certain situations your call will be passed to a doctor to discuss you clinical situation and urgency to make a final decision.

Home visits are usually carried out between 1:00pm and 4:00pm. Doctor may phone you prior to the home visit. If you have Key Pad controlled access, please make sure to give us the Key code to have an access.

Home visits are time consuming for the Doctors so you are encouraged to attend the surgery where ever possible.

Urgent and Emergency appointments

We have introduced some appointment slots for emergency or urgent medical conditions to be seen same day. These allow patients to see a doctor quickly if they have an urgent need and helps avoid attending accident and emergency departments at the hospital.

Telephone consultation appointments

For any medical queries and minor illness advice, a doctor can speak to you and assess the medical condition to decide the best course of action – either advice and/or treatment over the phone, a home visit or an appointment with the doctor, nurse or other health professional.

Mon – Fri, after 11:00am.


You can also consult us through eConsult app on our website home page. This is for medical queries, administrative task such as issuing a medical certificate or medical advice. You need to fill the details of your medical or non-medical query on the eConsult information for. Practice will review and respond within 48 hrs ( working hours) or sooner. This is not for medical emergency or ill patients.

Out Of Hours Urgent GP Appointment

If you require an urgent GP appointment outside of surgery opening hours, then you can visit one of the various HUB centres across Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge. Urgent appointments to see a GP can be booked directly or through NHS 111. To book an appointment call directly on 020 3770 1888 between Mon-Fri 2:00pm – 9:00pm and Sat-Sun 9:00am – 5:00pm.

Out of Hours Hub Service Information:

Barking Community Hospital, Upney Lane, IG11 9LX3:30pm – 10:00pm weekdays
8:00am – 8:00pm weekends
Broad Street Medical Centre, Morland Road, Dagenham, RM10 9HU3.30pm – 10:00pm weekdays
Closed weekends

To book an appointment call directly – Call Centre Contact Number: 0203 770 1888

Between 2.00pm – 9.00pm, Monday to Friday and 9.00am-5.00pm, Sat and Sun.

Urgent Attention Out of Normal Hours

If you require urgent medical attention when we are closed, you should dial: 

  • 999 ‑ In Cases Of Emergency (Please use responsibly)
  • 111 ‑ If you require urgent medical help or advice, but it is not life threatening.

NHS 111 Service

NHS 111 has been introduced to help make it easier for residents to access local health services, advice and information. People can now call 111 when in need of medical help fast, but it isnt a 999 emergency. 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and calls from landlines and mobile phones are free.

When to use it: You should call 111 if:

  • its not a 999 emergency
  • they think they need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service;
  • they dont think they can wait for an appointment with their GP; or
  • they dont know who to call for medical help.

For immediate, life-threatening emergencies, people should continue to call 999. If a health professional has given you a specific phone number to call when you are concerned about your condition, continue to use that number.

How does it work? 111 will connect the caller to a team located in Barking and Dagenham of fully trained call advisers, who are supported by experienced nurses and paramedics. They will also ask the caller questions to assess the symptoms, and give them the healthcare advice they need or direct the most appropriate and available local service. Where possible, the NHS 111 team will book you an appointment or transfer you directly to the people you need to speak to. If NHS 111 advisers think you need an ambulance they will arrange for one to be sent to you.

Calls to 111 are recorded. All calls and the records created are maintained securely, and will only be shared with others directly involved with your care.

Chaperone Policy

Non-urgent advice: CHAPERONE

All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present at any consultation examination or procedure. This is for the benefit of both patients and staff.

If you would like a chaperone at any time, please bring this to the attention of a receptionist at the time of booking or at the time of consultation with a doctor or Nurse. You can also request a chaperone to be present before any intimate examination and we will try to accommodate this at the time of your appointment.

There will be occasions when it is advised for a chaperone to be present and the doctor / Nurse will discuss this with you.